It is not every day that the Belgian Customs&Excise Museum can help create a temporary exhibition in an iconic site like the Berlaymont-building in Brussels. This well known structure near the Robert Schuman roundabout houses the headquarters of the European Commission, the executive branch of the European Union.
The occasion was the very busy Open Day at the European Institutions on Saturday 6 May 2023 and together with our PR-colleagues we provided a number of artefacts – like a contemporary uniform and a number of seizures by Customs past and present. Incidentally, the sniffer dog in the photograph is not one of ours, but he is part of a Tulli team (Finnish Customs) as it is very appropriate on such occasions to stress the all important work of customs officers all over the EU.
The first loan from the Belgian National Museum on Customs and Excise in 2023 was linked to the World Customs Day on 26 January. A small exposition was set up at the main headquarters of the Federal Public Service Finance in Brussels. Our contribution included some objects related to drug smuggling and excise fraud past and present and a mannequin in the current uniform for a Level C customs officer.
Thank you Ann
After over a quarter of a century on the Board of the Belgian National Museum on Customs and Excise, Ann Van Puymbroeck is heading for a well deserved retirement from the C&E Administration in 2022.
Ann has been a staunch supporter of IACM as well, as member of the Belgian delegation during numerous conferences and as Secretary on the IACM-Board (1998-2002). The colleagues in Antwerp recently took the opportunity of one of her last days “at the office” to present Ann with flowers and gifts and a big “Thank You” for all her hard work since 1994. However, it is not a definite goodbye as Ann will be doing research projects for the Belgian C&E museum on a voluntary basis.
Change of uniforms
The Luxemburg Customs Museum is still displaying the customs uniform of the country holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU.
The Slovenian customs uniform replaced the historical uniform of Portugal that was on display for the past 6 months.
Luxemburg Museum days
The 24th edition of Luxembourg Museum Days attracted a total of 82 visitors to our location in the weekend of 15 and 16 May 2021.
The fact that there were no restrictions in museums in 2019 and the 2020 edition had to be held in digital form means that this year's Luxembourg Museum Days can still be deemed a success.
A medal for Ann
Queen Máxima of The Netherlands has officially opened the new exhibition “Crazy about money” on the
25th of June 2019. The queen is the honorary chairman of the platform “Mony Wise”. With this exhibition, the Dutch Customs and Tax Museum focuses on the theme of
financial education and dealing with money.
This exhibition was created in collaboration with De Nederlandsche Bank and makes part of the unique National Numismatic Collection visible to the public again.
More information about the exhibition you can find here:
On 19 February 2019 the Belgian C&E Museum kicked off our new temporary exhibition “…Uw vaderland nuttig zijn” (In the service of your country).
The exhibition “can be visited until 28 June 2019, the 100th anniversary of the Versailles Peace Treaty. Read more about it here
In this exhibition you will see a broad variety of containers used for smuggling. There are stories about journeys on foot for a few pennies and about the millions made in organised crime. The illusionist Jochem Nooyen takes you to a magic place where you will see smuggled objects from past till present.
All objects were seized by the Dutch Customs Authority. A hollow bible for tobacco, a decorative wooden elephant with drugs in its behind, a package of 'cigarettes' with illegal money, shoes,
musical instruments and much more, all with hidden spaces. Kids will love it!
From 12 until 16 February the Customs & Excise Museum in Antwerp opened its doors for families with children.
Several fun activities were especially created for Krokuskriebels. Children of all ages had a nice time today, and so did we!
For more pictures we invite you to check our website.
On Friday Januari 26, The tax & Customs Museum in Rotterdam wants to raise awareness for the Dutch customs officers who maintain the border security. A special guest will visit the museum, Mr. Leon Warnies.
For many years Mr. Warnies worked with tracking dogs at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. In a workshop this former Customs officer will explain working with sniffer dogs and tell about his experiences at Customs at Amsterdam's international airport. Visitors can hear and learn about the seizures of illegal goods.
Just before Christmas the employees of the Lithuanian Customs Museum organized the Animal Day at the Customs, and invited animal lovers to come to the Museum with their pets.
Click here to read the entire story and see a lot more lovely dog pictures.
In 2015 our friends of the National U.S. Customs Museum Foundation have set up a new exhibition on U.S. Customs at the historical site of the New London Custom House in Connecticut.
Most of the display is on permanent exhibit. You can find all the pictures here.
This Customs Museum is located at 150 Bank St., New London, CT. - USA.
From 20 until 22 September the annual IACM - Conference and general assembly was held in Vienna. Colleagues from 13 countries were present to share their experiences. More pictures and some of the presentations can be found here.
26th June is the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and the theme of this year is “Listen First”. On the morning of 26th June, 2016, China Customs Museum held a special event for the youth and their families, which is a lively performance of Drug Dogs. More than 150 students and their parents attended the event. Read more about it here.
The traveling exhibition “Boter bij de vis” is the result of a cooperation between the Centre for Agricultural History (CAG), the Department Agriculture and Fishery of the Flemish Government, the Catholic University of Louvain and 12 heritage partners, including the National Museum on Customs and Excise in Antwerp.
On 18 February the exhibition was officially opened by Kristian Vanderwaeren, Administrator-general of Customs and Excise and Robert Robbrecht, chairman of
the museum association, with some 80 guests in attendance. Read more
Spring Festival in the China Customs Museum
February 15, 2016
Krokuskriebels in the Belgian Customs and Excise Museum
February 15, 2016
Night at China Customs Museums
January 5, 2016